Sarah Palin finally confirms what we all suspected

“You couldn’t miss hearing about Sarah Palin if you watched the news during John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign.

She was the Governor of Alaska and became McCain’s running mate. Even though they lost to Barack Obama, Palin was called a ‘force of nature’ in Republican politics.”

In 2020, after being married for 30 years, Sarah Palin said she and her husband were getting a divorce. The details were surprising, but now she has shared more information about their breakup

“Sarah Palin once said, ‘I know this sounds silly, but basketball changed my life. It taught me about setting goals, discipline, teamwork, and success.’

Sarah met her future husband, Todd Palin, in high school at a basketball game. In August 1988, they eloped to the local courthouse.

However, they found out they needed witnesses. They convinced two people from a home across the street, and then they could finally get married.”

Wikipedia Commons / David Shankbone

“Sarah Palin said they eloped because they were poor and didn’t want their parents to pay for a wedding. She told this to the Anchorage Daily News in 2008.

Sarah and Todd have five children: Track (1989), Bristol (1990), Willow (1994), Piper (2001), and Trig (2008), who has Down syndrome.

Sarah’s love for sports shows in her children’s names. Her daughter Willow is named after sports journalist Willow Bay, and Bristol is named after the town where ESPN is based.”






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