Elizabeth Taylor’s granddaughter looks so much like her grandmother it’s scary

The celebrated movie star Elizabeth Taylor had an astonishing career, covering more than six decades.

She had a well-spoken and widely reported personal life, with the star being married eight times. She had four children, and today, her ten grandchildren are all grown up.

We’ve seen pictures over and over again of celebrity children looking precisely the same as their parents. It practically looks like they could be sisters or brothers in some cases.But celebrities from the 20th century don’t just have children. Now, many have had grandchildren, and some of them really look like their grandparents

Did you know that the late Elizabeth Taylor, one of the most iconic actresses of all time, has some of her grandchildren looking exactly like her?

But as much as she was successful in her work, Taylor’s personal life often was described as “scandalous.”

Celebrated actress Elizabeth ”Liz” Taylor had an astonishing career that spanned more than six decades. But as much as she was successful in her work, Taylor’s personal life often was described as “scandalous.”

She was married eight times to seven men, wedding Richard Burton twice, and gave birth to four children: Michael Wilding Jr., Chris Wilding, Liza Todd, and Maria Burton. All of her children grew up and formed their own families so that Liz would be blessed with ten beautiful grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.






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