Lesbian Moms Reveal the Rudest Questions They’re Asked by Strangers

“Who’s the mom?”, “Who’s the dad?”, “Who’s the real mom?”—these are the questions queer parents receive on a daily basis, according to one of the couples fielding them.

In a video shared to Instagram, Allie and Sam Conway (@allieandsam), revealed commonly asked questions they get as a queer married couple with children. The challenges they face as a two-mom family in society, they told NewsTaze, can be “exhausting”—but they are making the effort to educate others, and their explanatory video has received over 5.7 million views and 185,000 likes online.

From questions about who is the “real” mom to ones about conception and parenting roles, the couple offered honest, lighthearted answers to curious viewers.

A couple on TikTok has gone viral for their light-hearted explanation of questions they are asked as a two-mom family.@ALLIEANDSAM/INSTAGRAM

Allie, 31, and Sam, 29, are relatively new to the inquiries as parents of two 17-month-old twin boys. Still, Allie said the couple is already getting such questions “all the time.”

“It can get quite exhausting hearing them over and over again,” she said. “On long travel days when we are just trying to survive a 1:1 adult-toddler ratio, the last thing we want to do is explain our family to strangers on an airplane.”

Allie said that the most common—and wild—misconception about their relationship is that they are sisters.

“Honestly, every time we go out, we get this at least a couple times, which shocks me because I would never stop to ask people if they were siblings—it seems so strange to do!” she said.

Allie and Sam provided explanations to the more conception-related questions in the video: Allie carried the children, using Sam’s eggs. The kids call both of the moms “mommy” and they had children through IVF after a series of challenging attempts. They invited viewers to comment below with other questions, extending the opportunity to learn.


Despite Challenges, the Couple Feels ‘So Grateful

Allie and Sam said they are reaping the joys of parenthood and the fulfillment they experience as a two-mom family. Even despite the constant questioning, the pair said interactions with strangers can sometimes be heartwarming—and challenge their own misconceptions.

Allie said that many times, older people have stopped them to interact with the babies, eventually asking the couple the common questions. After hearing the answers, the elderly folks often react graciously.

“We have been so pleasantly surprised by the reactions of older folks … It’s so heartwarming, because I think sometimes elderly folks get a bad [reputation] of being homophobic, but we’ve been met with nothing but support,” she said.

The pair don’t take this for granted. Allie said she knows this support is not common for many, and despite the repetitive nature of some questions, the couple said they are appreciative of the supportive community they have.

Through their positive and transparent approach, Allie and Sam said they want to challenge misconceptions and promote the acceptance of different family structures.

“We love reminding people to try their best not to make assumptions about others,” Allie said. “And to work on trying to break the heteronormative mindset.”

“There have been lots of hurdles to get to where we are,” she added. “Despite having to jump through hoops to get to these two [children], we made it and we feel so grateful.”

They said “We are experiencing the best life being a lesbian” .






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